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zkApp programmability is not yet available on the Mina Mainnet. You can get started now by deploying zkApps to the Berkeley Testnet.

Introduction to SnarkyJS

SnarkyJS is a TypeScript (TS) library for:

  • Writing general-purpose zk programs
  • Writing zk smart contracts for Mina

This is TS code that you might write when using SnarkyJS:

import { Field, Poseidon } from 'snarkyjs';

function knowsPreimage(preimage: Field) {
let hash = Poseidon.hash([preimage]);

const expectedHash =

In a zkApp, this code can be used to prove that you know a secret value whose hash is publicly known without revealing the secret. The code is plain TypeScript (TS) and is executed as normal TS. You might call SnarkyJS an embedded domain-specific language (DSL).

SnarkyJS provides data types and methods that are provable: You can prove their execution.

In the previous example code, Poseidon.hash() and Field.assertEquals() are examples of provable method. Proofs are zero-knowledge, because they can be verified without learning their inputs and execution trace. Selected parts of the proof can be made public, if it suits your application.

SnarkyJS is a general-purpose zk framework that gives you the tools to create zk proofs. It lets you write arbitrary zk programs leveraging a rich set of built-in provable operations, like basic arithmetic, hashing, signatures, boolean operations, comparisons, and more. Use the SnarkyJS framework to write zkApps on Mina, smart contracts that execute client-side and have private inputs.

All of the SnarkyJS framework is packaged as a single TS library that can be used in major web browsers and Node.js. The best way to get started with SnarkyJS is using the zkApp CLI. You can also install SnarkyJS from npm with npm i snarkyjs.

Start your SnarkyJS journey by learning about basic zk programming concepts.